Jefferson Neurology LLC

Jefferson Neurology LLC


Here are our preferred ways to communicate:

1. Portal messaging: Our electronic records system, AthenaHealth, establishes a portal messaging system when a new patient is registered. Patients can access it through our website We can also provide a link upon request. A valid email address is necessary.

2. Text messaging: We have implemented Klara, a HIPAA-compliant communications platform that integrates electronic communications into your health records. We continuously monitor these messages in real-time. We will send a link to your registered cell phone. Our direct number through Klara is 541.568.6719.

3. Voice mail: Your voicemail is transcribed through Klara as text and linked to your records. We continuously monitor these messages in real-time.

4. Live operator: Please speak with a staff member if you require immediate attention. For emergencies, please call 911.

Thank you for entrusting us with your neurological care. As a small office, we've noticed a significant increase in behind-the-scenes paperwork, from authorizations for procedures to handling prescriptions and forms. Unfortunately, this surge in administrative tasks, coupled with extended telephone holds, has impacted our ability to promptly answer incoming calls.

To enhance our communication and better serve you, we've taken steps to streamline our system. We encourage you to reach out through our preferred channels: Portal messaging, Text messages, and voicemail.

Here's how electronic messaging benefits us and you:

Efficient Recordkeeping: Streamlining paperwork for more organized records.

Team Accessibility: All office members can access the communication chain, ensuring a swift response even if the initial contact is unavailable.

Real-time Responses: Electronic messages allow us to address inquiries promptly, even during extended telephone holds with health plans.

Your understanding and cooperation in using these communication methods contribute significantly to improved service and care. Thank you for choosing us as your healthcare provider!